GeekWire Calendar Picks: Technology and disinformation; finding art in scientific images; and more – GeekWire

GeekWire Calendar Picks: Technology and disinformation; finding art in scientific images; and more – GeekWire

— As the 2020 presidential election approaches, many are concerned about the effects disinformation campaigns may have on the race, since they played a big part in the 2016 election. Samuel Woolley, a researcher at the University of Texas, has a new book out called The Reality Game: How the Next Wave of Technology Will Break the Truth. It’s about how new technological advances have the potential to make things even worse, but also could be used for good. Woolley will be talking about this topic and others he covers in his book at The Forum at Town Hall on Jan. 9.

— When we think of visual art, it’s paintings, sculptures and other traditional pieces that might come to mind. But some of the most interesting images can be found in unusual places — like inside the human body. As part of the Capitol Hill Art Walk, the Goethe Institute will be showcasing the Max Planck Society’s Images of Science, a collection of pictures from a variety of scientific fields that have a visual appeal much like abstract art. The opening for this exhibit takes place at the Goethe Institute on Jan. 9.

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