A spectacular view: Vermonters look up to see partial solar eclipse and colorful sunrise – Burlington Free Press

The stars (and moon) aligned for Vermonters to enjoy a somewhat rare celestial event Thursday.

As dawn broke, the moon crossed between the sun and the earth to create a partial solar eclipse. The colors of sunrise further enhanced the awe felt by Vermont Astronomical Society members and others in attendance to watch the eclipse at South Burlington’s Wheeler Park.

The annular eclipse began around 5:07 a.m. The maximum coverage point was about 5:37 a.m., and by around 6:37 a.m., the moon had fully crossed the sun’s path.

Visibility is always at the mercy of the weather, but Vermont Astronomical Society president Jack St. Louis said it went great.

“It was a little rough in the beginning because we could barely see the sun through the clouds, but then they broke off and we go to see quite a bit of it,” St. Louis said. 

Amateur astronomers came out to take in the view, some with high-tech solar photography equipment and systems which automatically track the sun across the sky without having to adjust a telescope. Others brought their regular camera and attached a special filter over the lens or just came to enjoy the view wearing welder’s goggles or cardboard solar eclipse glasses. 

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St. Louis rigged up a projection screen to his white light telescope, which allowed multiple viewers to safely view the phenomenon without the aid of safety glasses. “It’s so convenient, and it’s so easy to make,” he said. He created it by modifying a funnel he bought at a hardware store. He cut the funnel until the eye piece fit in and then attached projection screen material he ordered off the internet with a hose clamp.

Terri Zittritsch of Williston reviews some of her eclipse photos on her camera's view screen. She had some of the most advanced equipment for solar picture taking among the Vermont Astronomical Society members gathered for the annular eclipse in South Burlington on June 10, 2021.

He and the rest of the society members are a fountain of useful tips and information, owing to their years of experience. St. Louis first joined the club in 1966, two years after its founding. And while he loves looking at the moon, planets and eclipses, he said the best part is sharing his love of astronomy with people. While others were taking pictures of the eclipse, he was also taking pictures of the people rapt in their discovery.

Thursday’s event was practice for the big one — a total solar eclipse which will happen in 2024. Vermont will be one of the areas on the path of totality. 

The stars (and moon) aligned and Jack St. Louis was in his element, thrilled to view the sunrise annular eclipse on June 10, 2021 at Wheeler Park in South Burlington. As President of the Vermont Astronomical Society, St. Louis lends his expertise to amateur astronomers; he even shared how he made the funnel projection screen attached to his telescope that allowed many people at once to safely view the phenomenon. He first joined the club in 1966, two years after its founding.

The Vermont Astronomical Society holds public events through the year, which they announce on their website at vtastro.org.

They also enjoy helping people use their telescopes. “There are a lot of telescopes living in closets,” St. Louis said. The group can help folks clean and align their scopes or give advice for choosing what to buy. Have a question for them? Email the Vermont Astronomical Society at info@vtastro.org. 

Contact reporter April Barton at abarton@freepressmedia.com or 802-660-1854. Follow her on Twitter @aprildbarton.