9 out of This World Astronomy Projects You Can Do While at Home – Smash Newz

9 out of This World Astronomy Projects You Can Do While at Home – Smash Newz
9 of these World Astronomy Projects, when you can be at home

If you went out and were a great teacher, astronomy was probably one of your favorite subjects at school. By studying the moon, galaxies, comets, and everything in between, we call life and the happy universe for this little blue marble. However, the entertainment and excitement surrounding the study of space does not end as a child.

Although astronomy really attracts young people to science and technology, it also leads them on the path to a STEM career. However, there are many ways to study science outside of school as an amateur astronomer. There are also ways you can contribute to astronomy education and research from the comfort of your own home. However, we are moving beyond ourselves.

Astronomy holds a special place in the hearts of many people around the world. For the uninitiated, astronomy is simply the study of the sun, moon, stars, planets, comets, gas, galaxies, gas, dust, and other non-Earth bodies and phenomena.

From the beginning of time, humanity looked to the heavens, searched for patterns in celestial objects, explored the meaning and order of the surrounding universe. Astronomy sees itself while observing, while its closest cousin astrophysics focuses on the behavior, properties, and motion of objects there. However, it is good to mention that there may be an overlap between the two conditions.

The study of planets, galaxies and stars can be an excellent, exciting and imaginative experience, making astronomy a respected subject among children. As the philosopher Socrates once said, “Man must move above the earth – at the top of the atmosphere and beyond” in the same way that he can only understand the world in which he lives. “

When separating at home, there are many great resources and projects you can do from your backyard. All you need to do is enter the night sky. And, don’t worry, there are some great astronomy projects for adults too. Today we are going to publish some of our favorite astronomy projects for people of all ages, projects that are perfect if you are stuck at home. Let’s get started.

1. Start with a little stargazing

Astronomy Project Level: Initial

One of the best things to do is to look at the night sky for a while. For this project, all you need is a notebook, a note-taking pen and a smartphone or tablet. More than that, this is an excellent project of the night for people of all ages. While stargazing is nothing new, there are apps that are full of what’s in the night sky, complete with 3D animation and educational content.

All you have to do is display your phone in the night sky and interact with space objects on your mobile device. When looking for what’s in your backyard, take the time to track objects for months, keeping track of how their position changes. We recommend downloading the apps Skyview And Star Walk To get started. During your exploration, you may also come across a few planets and galaxies.

2. Check the surface of the moon

Astronomy Project Level: Initial

Source: NASA

Another easy project for people of all ages. For this project you have all the modest binoculars, a clear night sky and a pair of visible moons. With just this telescope, you can see the incredible surface of the moon in more detail than you expected, revealing some of its spectacular craters and lunar seas.

More than that, take the time to record your observations, analyze how the moon changes over time. It is also good to note that the positions of the moon will change over time. Many people observe the moon, take observations and sketch it; Thus, creating beautiful artwork.

3. Inspect the International Space Station

Astronomy Project Level: Early-Intermediate

Source: NASA

After observing the moon and a few planets, why not take a shot to get a glimpse of the International Space Station? The ISS is almost traveling 27,600 km Per hour above the Earth, which allows it to orbit the Earth 16 times Every day. Approximately 400 kilometers On the planet, can be seen above the space station Held at 6,700 Worldwide destinations. It is not so difficult to see because it is one of the third brightest things in the sky. If you want to know more about how to find ISS, don’t forget to stop by its NASA website.

4. Star Trail Photography

Astronomy Project Level: Intermediate-Advanced

Source: NASA

As mentioned above, the stars always move their positions. This is partly due to the fact that the earth rotates continuously as it orbits the sun, causing the position of the stars to move beyond our point of view. When photographs are taken over time, these movements create beautiful light paths in the sky, properly dubbing the star drabs. This project will take a little more planning and commitment than the other projects on this list, but the end result can be surprising.

You’ll need a camera capable of shooting in “bulb” mode, a rigid tripod and cable release. And if you’re thinking of doing this when it’s cold, make sure you pack a suitable flashlight and extra warm clothing. To get the full DYY process for Star Trail photography, don’t forget to stop here.

5. Jump into astrophotography

Astronomy Project Level: Intermediate-Advanced

Source: Richard Payne / NASA

Okay, so you’ve mastered star trail photography, and now you’re looking forward to capturing other major celestial bodies – enter the world of astrophotography. For this project, you’ll need a DSLR or mirrorless camera marrow on a tripod-mounted tracker to get started. Astrophotography is just taking pictures of things in space. What’s more, with the right tools to access, you can capture stunning shots of the Galaxy and even star clusters.

There are many ways to get started with astrophotography, and there is also a fantastic project to complete during the summer months. Here’s what you need to know about astrophotography if you want to get started ASAP.

6. Create a star poster of the lifecycle

Astronomy Project Level: Initial

(Embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BG-ukUB_sQU (/ embed)

This project is great to do with kids, teaching them about the life cycle of the star while getting a little dirty with the arts and crafts in their hands. As a child, it is difficult to process how long stars can “exist”. This project will help put things in perspective.

Equipped with simple household items like black construction paper, cotton balls and markers, you can create a compelling poster depicting the life cycle of a star. This project is a great way to teach children interactively about the celestial bodies they see every day. If you want to complete a project, don’t forget to stop here.

7. Catch some stardust

Astronomy Project Level: Early-Intermediate

(Embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIV-k39Kukw (/ embed)

Stardust is made up of particles left over from a supernova explosion. Stardust gives researchers an understanding of the history of our universe. Yet, have you ever wondered how they would collect it?

Other projects suitable for children. This project allows them to build their own small satellites, analyzing whether the number of particles collected during a satellite mission is related to the orbital period of the object from the satellite. Projects like this are great because they also teach children about the scientific method. Check it out here.

8. How can you use the stars to get back home?

Astronomy Project Level: Initial

Source: NASA

To travel wide distances, ancient navigators used stars to get from point A to point B. Still, how do you know which stars to use? And how do you use it? In this project, you will teach your children (and yourself) how to identify “navigational stars” in every hemisphere of the world.

You can combine this project with a camping trip or any of the outdoor projects on the list, as this is a valuable skill to keep if you ever get lost. For more on this project, don’t forget to stop by Science Buddies.

9. When is the best time to look at the stars?

Astronomy Project Level: Initial

This project is another great way to expose children to the scientific method. For this project, you will test whether the moon affects your stargazing. Let your children write down their hypotheses for the experiment and test them over time as they observe the phases of the moon during the month. Check out the project here.

If kids are stuck in your home right now, use this opportunity to show how exciting astronomy and science can be.

Do you have any favorite astronomy projects? If so, drop your comments below.

. (TSG translate) Astronomy (T) Astronomy Projects (T) Astronomy Science projects Science Projects (T) Astronomy Project Ideas (T) Astronomy for Kids