Runner Jared Ward Utilizes Statistics And Technology In Bid To Return To Olympic Team – Forbes

Runner Jared Ward Utilizes Statistics And Technology In Bid To Return To Olympic Team – Forbes

As the calendar creeps closer to 2020, the Olympics games in Tokyo next summer feel right around the corner. For Olympic marathoner Jared Ward, the games represent an opportunity to make another Olympic team, after finishing in sixth place during the 2016 games in Rio. Ward dealt with injuries in 2017 and 2018 but is now preparing for the Olympic Marathon trials, scheduled for February 29, 2020, in order to get another chance on the world’s biggest athletic stage. 

While Jared is an accomplished runner, his in-depth knowledge of statistics contributes a unique aspect to his game which sets him apart from other runners. Statistics is more than casual interest for Ward, as he earned Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Statistics from Brigham Young University.  Even as his running career advanced after college, he remained in Provo, Utah, where he holds a part-time faculty role. He has been teaching one course a year ever since his graduation in 2014.

While his academic background is certainly unusual for an Olympic caliber athlete, his stats background helps him generally with running and specifically with preparing for a race. With this focus, he has gained insights that have impacted his approach to running and preparing for the 26.2-mile grind each marathon.

“I would say I have a very analytical approach when it comes to racing,” Ward told me. “I believe it really lends itself to help me be more prepared for a race. I really look into the numbers when it comes to racing such as things like pacing profiles in regards to elite runners or everyday runners and everything in between. What is has specifically helped me with is looking at what differentiates the elite runners from the average runners and how they adjust their approach as they get further along in their careers.”

As helpful as this data is, Ward made the point that nothing substitutes for experience in high-level marathon running; things a runner learns going through an incredibly difficult race and how it affects one’s body. He believes that his deep analysis of data helped him get a jump start on studying how to be an elite runner and provided him with the tools to avoid the common pitfalls that most runners encounter during the early stages of their careers facing off against the top individuals in the sport. 

“Like in any sport, data can give you such a leg up in figuring out the best practices in your approach and optimal ways to succeed in your given competition,” Ward said to me. “While it can’t get you over the hump by itself, I feel like my interest in data has helped me become a better runner and made me more prepared to run in some of the big races I’ve been able to compete in.”

As Ward prepares to run today, he stated to NYRR that he has targeted this New York City Marathon in particular, as he believes the tough course will prepare him best for the Atlanta qualifier next February, which will include rolling hills. He also believes that technology has played a major part in facilitating his growth as a runner. 

“Technology plays a pivotal role in athletes being able to improve on the previous generation and continue to push the limits of their sport into the future,” Ward said to me. “It gives us access to information and actionable ways to utilize it like we haven’t seen before. I can see what cO2 readouts I get for different workouts and be able to adjust what I am doing so I can make sure I stay on track with my regiment and training schedule.”

Raw talent in sports will always be the straw that stirs the metaphorical drink, but for athletes like Ward, who can perform at an Olympic caliber level, analysis of data and technological interest in maximizing performance can make the difference between winning and losing or, in his case, making or missing the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo. As he prepares to run today in the New York City Marathon and later in the Olympics trials, we will see if it will give Ward another chance to run at the highest levels of his sport and a shot at Olympic gold.